I tell people — it sounds bad, but I talk to athletes about it, the younger athletes — I was like, you one injury away from being a normal cat. You’re one injury away. I said, when I tore that knee — I’ll never forget this — I was in Israel…they was pressing, and I grab it. And I hit a guy. I was going to dunk it. As soon as my foot touched the free throw line, my leg just went out. And I lift weights. Anybody can tell you. Ask everybody, and they’ll tell you he works out every day like a crazy madman. I worked out that morning and everything. And my knee stopped, and I fell over.

You know when they say you gonna’ die, your life flashes before your eyes? I seen myself when I was a kid, hoopin’, AAU, I see Indiana, I see all that stuff. I just seen it. All the flashes just came to my head, and I knew it. It was over with. I ain’t never gonna’ be the same. It ain’t ever gonna’ be the same. It’s just not.

Marco Killingsworth

MARCO KILLINGSWORTH, The Hoosier Hysterics Podcast